Teenage Cool Kids - Volvo To A Kiss lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Volvo To A Kiss Lyrics

Teenage Cool Kids – Volvo To A Kiss Lyrics

Heavy metal leads are hummed
From the back seat, the tape deck hiss
Cancels the street

He claims it's dank but you know it's schwag he gets from the Vietnamese
He holds a spliff to your face and asks when your next gig is

They can't hear you at the front
So you better gossip from the back when you do
Volvo to a kiss
You get caught every year and she knows you're an atheist
It's a test
She'll get a smile next time and a brief thank you note at best

All your years of sitting bitch
Will soon pay off when you get your own whip
A Mazda you think
It just feels right
Plus your kick can fit in the back when the seat falls down
Because it ain't rock music if you're not hauling shit around

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