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Missing Lyrics

The xx – Missing Lyrics

from album: Coexist (2012)
My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time and I feel the same
My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time

Will you miss me? (I, I, I, oh)
When there's nothing to see? (I, I, I, oh)
Tell me, how did this come to be? (I, I, I, oh)
And now there's no hope for you and me

My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time and I feel the same
My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time

Do you still believe? (I, I, I, oh)
In you and me? (I, I, I, oh)
Are we all we could be? (I, I, I, oh)
Is it meant to be?

My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time and I feel the same
My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time

My heart is beating in a different way
Been gone such a long time
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Songwriters: James Thomas Smith, Oliver Sim, Romy Anna Madley Croft
Missing lyrics © Sentric Music, Universal Music Publishing Group

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