Paddy Goes To Holyhead - Benga lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Benga Lyrics

Paddy Goes To Holyhead – Benga Lyrics

A guy is walking around
In this grave underground
Instead of sleeping

He's got the skill from his Ma
And the curse from his Pa
And he's creeping

Benga is his name
And he's driving you insane
He's incorporating human souls

And that's his destiny,
Which gives him energy
To get you out of control

Oh, when the nightmare comes
There's a shadow goin' round and round and round
If you call his name
Yeah, when the nightmare comes
He can hear your poor heart beatin'
And he's left your soul in pain
(Left your soul in painâ?¦)

If he's taking a soul
On his rage night patrol
He starts walking

And he never feels pain
You can't explain
There's no talking

You'll have to find the tree
Of this sense-ability
And beat the tree instead of this guy

No more walking around
In this grave underground
Now you're satisfied


You'll have to find the tree
Of this sensibility
And beat the tree instead of this poor guy

No more walking around
In this grave underground
Now you're satisfied

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