Paddy Goes To Holyhead - Vincent lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Vincent Lyrics

Paddy Goes To Holyhead – Vincent Lyrics

A wet colored paintbrush
And a white house by night
A landscape with a ploughman
And another house beside

Sunflowers and cornfields
And an easel down below
A straw hat on a mournful face
Is all that we know

And pictures in frames
Who asks for paintings
Of a guy with no name?

Brother can you help me
I'm stone broke again
Tomorrow I'll sell it all
To an art businessman

Hard times for an artist
With contrary mind
Scaremongers everywhere
Short-sighted and blind

Novelty was out of time
Boundary's effaced
It's better to make an end
Than to live in disgrace

Spot-painted poetry
Living in quandary
Outside a gallery
Derided and chased

Life is a lottery
Without a warranty
Dying in beggary
Buried in haste
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