Captain, We're Sinking - Smash 2 lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Smash 2 Lyrics

Captain, We're Sinking – Smash 2 Lyrics

from album: The King Of No Man (2017)
Eyes were hazy from the smoke
You were laughing as you spoke
We're secret handshakes and inside jokes
That's why we're always alone

In the backseat of your car
With my knees up to my chest
You were breathing free and easy
With my breath on your neck
And I'll stare at your tattoos
These cuts and scrapes and bruises too
And I love that

Your eyes were hazy from the smoke
You were laughing as you spoke
We're secret handshakes and inside jokes
That's why we're always alone

This is us now and forever
Tomorrow we'll rise as two
But tonight we'll fall together
This is us now and forever
Tomorrow we'll rise as two
But tonight we'll fall together

And I'm done
I love the sounds
We're moving back and forth
You scream now

Your eyes were hazy from the smoke
You were laughing as you spoke
We're secret handshakes and inside jokes
That's why we're always alone

This is us now and forever
Tomorrow we'll rise as two
But tonight we'll fall together
Now this is it, I'm done

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