Wear Your Wounds - Rainbow Fades lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Rainbow Fades Lyrics

Wear Your Wounds – Rainbow Fades Lyrics

The ache goes away at least for one day
With collapsing of veins the rainbows fade
Not knowing the truth
So careless and cruel

The ache goes away at least for one day
With collapsing of veins the rainbows fade
Not knowing the truth
No roads lead to you

The ache goes away at least for one day
With collapsing of veins the rainbows fade
Not knowing the truth
So careless and cruel

The ache goes away at least for one day
With collapsing of veins the rainbows fade
Not knowing the truth
No roads lead to you

The ache goes away at least for one day
With collapsing of veins the rainbows fade
Not knowing the truth
So careless and cruel

The ache goes away at least for one day
With collapsing of veins the rainbows fade
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