Warren Jamie - Words You Can't Take Back lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Words You Can't Take Back Lyrics

Warren Jamie – Words You Can't Take Back Lyrics

Lyin' in bed with the radio on
Alone and listening to our favorite song
There was a time when the song could make you smile

I've tried to sleep, but I haven't yet
Your tears still haunt me after what I said
Ain't it funny how pride can block the sun

I said some things that I never should
I swore to you that I never would say words
That you just can't take back


Words like forever, and I'll never leave you
Words like I love you, and I'll always be true
You'll never be lonely, I promise you that
And these are the words
That you just can't take back

How can I say I'm sorry when words are not enough
This burning bridge is not to burnt to cross

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