Vein - demise automation lyrics | LyricsFreak
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demise automation Lyrics

Vein – demise automation Lyrics

Skin stitched to the bed
Windows left wide open

Itch as I
Beg for "now"
All the time

May a feeling come I'll catch
I don’t wanna be like this

"I" from "I"
My demise

I don't want to be like this
Staring at the cracks in the wall

Strangled by the hands of a clock

Time is up, let me go

Seratonin discontinued
Nostalgia's running out
Another classic case of "got to kick this shit out"
Time is up
Let me go
I'll be waiting for the pipe dream bombs to burst

I got soul, so what (I got soul till it stops)
Turn the ins out
Let the bombs burst
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