See youve got the new biography
Where did they get the info from
Same as before some, so called friends
Who claim to have, known me then
How come theyve got such good memories
And I cant even remember last week
Got to queston where theyre coming from
What knowledge of me is it that they speak
So far away, way back when
The people that claim, to have known me then
Not on my wavelength and its such a shame
That they have to play the name game
The fame game, oh the name game,
Lord its a cryin shame
Lord tell me whats to blame
Reinvented all the stories they know
Give them all a different slant
What is it that theyre really looking for
Just a hobby on the internet
So far away, way back when
The people that claim, to have known me then
Not on my wavelength and its such a shame
That they have to play the name game
The fame game, the name game,
Oh its such a cryin shame, tell me whos to blame
If they didnt really know me way back
How can they know me now, in any respect
Its a pity they dont feel the pain
That they should pay the price to play, to play
The fame game, the name game
Its such a cryin shame, please tell me whos to blame
Not on my wavelength and its such a shame
That they have to play, have to play the fame game
Oh the name game, its a cryin shame
Please tell me whos to blame
They keep on playin
The fame game, oh the name game
Its such a cryin shame, please tell me whos to blame
Keep on playin the fame game
Lord, the name game, its such a cryin shame
Please tell me whos to blame
They just keep on playin the fame game
Oh the name game, its such a cryin shame
Please tell me whos to blame
Keep on, keep on playin..