This city has become a commercial for itself (and everyone has all gone to hell)
So look out for the fall, how did the sea become salt?
I asked myself, "how did this land turn to plastic in our hands?"
It wasn't us (I'm calling your bluff) you never seem to fold soon enough
No more hiding in dark rooms - they'll fucking flip the switch and you'll be dead soon
Get me the fuck out of here and you'll see just exactly what this means to me
And I'm somewhere in between this dark place and a road that I have never seen
My face is pale white and it's been too long since I've seen light
So when the night comes I'll leave this place behind in the dust
Walls cracking and the smell of rust inside
No matter where I go this place follows me like home
And I can't remember what I'm trying to find
We're free (at least 'till light) I almost thought this was my life
But you never cease to remind me
You'll see (I'm not a ghost) it's just that I came so fucking close
And you'll never know
We came so close just like an envelope that's been sealed and sent with no stamp on it