Shane MacGowan - The Rising Of The Moon lyrics | LyricsFreak
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The Rising Of The Moon Lyrics

Shane MacGowan – The Rising Of The Moon Lyrics

from album: The Snake (1994)
Now come tell me Sean O'Farrell
Tell me why you hurry so?
Hush a bhuachaill, hush and listen
And his cheeks were all aglow

I have orders from the captain
Get you ready quick and soon
For the pikes must be together
At the rising of the moon

The rising of the moon
The rising of the moon
The pikes must be together
At the rising of the moon

And come tell me Sean O'Farrell
Where the gatherin' is to be
At the old spot by the river
Quite well known to you and me

And by way of signal token
Whistle loud the marching tune
With your pike upon your shoulder
At the rising of the moon

The rising of the moon
The rising of the moon
With your pike upon your shoulder
At the rising of the moon

Out from many a mud wall cabin
Many a manly heart was beating
For the blessed morning light
Murmurs ran along the valley

Like the banshee's lonely croon
And a thousand pikes were flashing
At the rising of the moon

The rising of the moon
The rising of the moon
A thousand pikes were flashing
At the rising of the moon

All along that singing river
A black mass of men was seen
And above their shining weapons
Hung their own beloved green

Death to every foe and traitor!
Whistle loud the marching tune
And Hurrah! me boys for freedom
'Tis the rising of the moon

The rising of the moon
The rising of the moon
And Hurrah! me boys for freedom
'Tis the rising of the moon

The rising of the moon
The rising of the moon
And Hurrah! me boys for freedom
'Tis the rising of the moon
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