Royal Canoe - Exodus Of The Year lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Exodus Of The Year Lyrics

Royal Canoe – Exodus Of The Year Lyrics

Up in my room, working it out
Trying not to make a sound
Chasing another arrow of light
It's always the same somehow

Flat on my back, afraid to admit
That I'm getting older now
It's calling you out, calling you out
Calling you out at night

Shaking in the cold oh so gallantly
The advantage of withholding your honesty

Most of my friends got the fuck out
In the exodus of the year
It's just me and you in dim winterlight
Straining ourselves to hear
Those three stupid words, I haven't said
While calling you out at night

Shaking in the cold oh so gallantly
The advantage of withholding your honesty
Shaking in the cold oh so gallantly
The advantage of withholding your honesty

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