Teenage sex
It's so exciting
So enticing
So where ya hiding?
In your parents bedroom?
The rec room floor?
Go down in the basement
Scream for more!
I just want to
I just want to kiss your lips
I just want to
I just want to lift your hips
Oh oh oh ya!
Teenage sex
It's so beguiling
It's so inviting
so stop your whining!
Behind the bleachers
And you're late for class
There's a teacher
want to fuck your ass!
I just want to bite your neck
And I just want to scratch your back
Oh, yell! ya ya ya ya oh!
I just want to kiss your lips
And I just want to lift your hips
Oh, oh,...ya! oh!
Teenage sex
Teenage sex
Teenage sex
Bite your neck
Scratch your back
Kiss your lips
And fuck your ass!