Replacements - Take Me Down To The Hospital lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Take Me Down To The Hospital Lyrics

Replacements – Take Me Down To The Hospital Lyrics

Well I can't breathe
I can't swallow
Here today
Gonna be back tomorrow

Lyin' in back
With your heart attack
In the front seat
With Pete Pete Pete

Red light running
Drag me in
Move the seat back
It's Saturday night

Take me down -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital

Wrap me up
Throw me out
Jockey the phones
Fill out these forms

Take off your shirt
Where does it hurt?
Get outta them slacks
Outta them slacks -- cut the belt

Take me to -- hospital
Take me to -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital

Oh. Oww. Oww. No-ho-ho.

I don't wanna
Ride no car
Makin' love
In my own backyard

Take me to -- hospital
Take me to -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital

I don't wanna
Die before my time
Already used
8 of my lives (3x)

Take me to -- hospital
Take me to -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital
Take me down -- hospital
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