This is the first and only time I will put pen to paper and write about silent angels
I guess I always thought we would one day end up together. Distance never meant a fucking thing to me I should have given up so long ago
A few hours on a train would have been easier than breathing. Winters were not so isolating with you in the back of my mind. You’re the only person I have thought about dying with, but that decaying memory, is just another to expire just another perfect ideal a perfect falsity
I remember like it was yesterday when you called me in tears after years and years I decided to just wait for all our skies to fall
For all our skies to fall
Bringing you crashing down
Bringing you crashing down
To ache for your touch to ache for your warmth
This is the first and only time I will put pen to paper
To suffer from a broken heart and to have never said those words