It's hot tonight
And I love the heet
It makes me sweat
It makes me dream
It's hot tonight
So hot tonight
And oh... It feels so right
And in the middle of the night
I want you here
In the middle of the night
I know you're near
In the middle of the night
That long and lonely night
Still taste your touch
You know I do
It's what you do
I still w nt you
In the night
Your touch is a feather
And in the heat
You make me shiver
And in the middle of the night
I want you here
In the middle of the night
I know you're near
In the middle of the night
That long hot night
It's hot tonight
So hot tonight
And I love the heat
Oh... It feels so right
And in the middle of the night
I want you here
In the middle of the night
I know you're near
In the middle of the night
That long hot lonely night
Its hot tonight
So hot tonight
It's hot tonight So hot tonight