Phantom Ghost - St. Lawrence lyrics | LyricsFreak
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St. Lawrence Lyrics

Phantom Ghost – St. Lawrence Lyrics

I wish you comfort, wish you joy, St. Lawrence
Like any other boy
May you be tranquilized and calm, St. Lawrence
No one will do you harm

Hypersensitive as you are, St. Lawrence
No one would go so far
Different from the norm, St. Lawrence
Yet in a uniform

No one was ever born
Like you

And how they tortured you, St. Lawrence
And the torture is not yet through
You're not the man you were before, St. Lawrence
Since they kicked you out that door

I hear the engine roar for you

How beautiful you are, how beautiful you are
My sleeping star

Sail away, sail away, sail away, St. Lawrence
I'll be your mate today
May you be tranquilized and calm, St. Lawrence
No one will do you harm

Recover in my arms for now

How beautiful you are, how beautiful you are
My sleeping star

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