Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till the day light is gone
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till he calls you home
That night train's coming
To take us all away
Where no man can work anymore
Work in the sunshine while it's called today
Brother, got to get your toiling done
And work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till the day light is gone
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till he calls you home
That good Shepard is coming to take us all away
Where no one will wonder anymore
Walk in His footsteps
Let Him lead the way
Sinner, got to come home to the Lord
And work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till the day light is gone
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till he calls you home
Work for Jesus 'till he calls you home
And now I dream...
To take us all away
Where no men can work anymore!
Work in the sunshine while it's called a day
Sister... get your...
And work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till the day light is gone
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus
Work for Jesus 'till it calls you home.