Om Jaya Jagadeesha Hare, Swaami jaya Jagadeesha hare
Bhakta janana ke sankata, deena janana ke sankata
Kshaana mein dura kare
Om jaya Jagadeesha hare
Hail to the Lord of the Universe, Oh Master, hail ...
Who in an instant removes the troubles
Of devotees and humble people.
Jo Dhyaawe phala paawai, dukha vinashey mana kaa
Sukha sampati ghara aawai, kashta mitai tana kaa...
Meditating on you brings these fruits: sorrows of the heart are destroyed,
Happiness and wealth come to the home, and physical sickness is removed.
Maata Pitaa tuma mere, sharana gahoon kisa kee
Tuma bina aura na dooja, aasha karoon jisa kee
You are my Mother and Father, from who else can I seek refuge...
Without you, there is no one