Kero Kero Bonito is a British band from London, England. The band consists of vocalist Sarah Midori Perry (known by her stage name Sarah Bonito) and producers and multi-instrumentalists Gus Lobban & Jamie Bulled. Their name's meaning is intentionally ambiguous, with one derivation from the Japanese onomatopoeic words for frog croaks and a type of fish. Other meanings include the Brazilian quero-quero bird, and the Portuguese translation of "I Want, I Want, Beautiful".
The band's earlier work was influenced by J-pop such as Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, as well as dancehall, and video game music; however, their work following the band's 2018 EP TOTEP was influenced by indie rock bands such as Mount Eerie and My Bloody Valentine. Perry, who is half-Japanese, sings and raps in both Japanese and English.