I think it's safe to say you've had a bad day
And somethin' even tells me maybe I should stay away
But I can't, I'm livin' dangerously
Baby, call me crazy, I think I know what you need
Girl, I've got your remedy
Somebody needs a hug
A little personal attention
Some good ol' lovin' and affection
Yeah, I'm talkin' full body, good Lord Almighty
Whooo, c'mon and get you some
You need to be wrapped up
Snug as a bug in a rug
A big ol' teddy bear squeeze
Where you can barely breathe
Somebody needs a hug
I see you're not convinced, you're still on defense
And I'de be wise to disappear if I had any sense
But I don't, no obviously
I think I can fix it, baby, don't resist it
Darlin, it's easy to see
(Repeat Chorus)
You start to smile and you're bitin' your lip
And girl I know what that means
You're walkin' over, you're getting' closer
Looks like you finally see
(Repeat Chorus)