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Intro (Skit) Lyrics

Joyner Lucas – Intro (Skit) Lyrics

Homie X: Damn bro, sounds like you were having a bad dream huh? sounded like somebody was raping you in your sleep ha, that's what it sounded like
Joyner: Shut the fuck up man
Homie X: You good?
Joyner: Yea am good man, we just need to get the fuck off this planet man, I'm tired of this shit already
Homie X: and go where ?
Joyner: I don't know, something's just telling me to go man, I think you should come wit me
Homie X: Know what, that really sounds like a bad idea, fuck that
Joyner: what bro?
Homie X: last time you had a bright idea we went to the sun, you almost got us killed. Remember that? My skin ain't been the same since nigga fuck you,.Nope, the answer is no, ask me five minutes later from now the answer is no
Joyner: Nigga you always told me that you would never succeed unless you'd die, I'd never forget that shit
Homie X: Dumbass, I-,Is, Unless you try, and I ain't tryin' to die tonight. Cancel me out your plans for this one I'm good. Stayin my ass right the fuck here nigga
Joyner: You know, sorry you feel that way my man, I got this brochure right here and ahh… I see planet earth got some of the badest bitches we've ever seen in our life
Homie X: Man give me that. Let me see that shit
Joyner: But I guess you don't wanna go so don't worry bout it
Homie X: What?!
Joyner: Ahh don't worry bout it
Homie X: Nigga what you mean?? Ay I go put fuel in this shit right now, better get your ass up lets go. Shoulda said this shit from the first place nigga, Sh I woulda been said yes lets go man
Joyner: hehehe ahh I'd figure you'd say that, well pack your shit lets take off

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