Jonwayne - Rainbow lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Rainbow Lyrics

Jonwayne – Rainbow Lyrics

Yo, I've undersold what I'm going through
I'm pointing you and shedding light on what I'm coming to
The colors press me to the grayer states
Erasing the vigor I used to have
I figure if I do the math I'll groove a path
Pressure existing in regions I never knew existed
I'm finding reasons to be submissive to new conditions
Maybe I was born for a regular life
My heart is like sediments sled in a bed of my plights
Let the rain fall down on top my feelings
I'm feeling like I should sliver inside a hole and quiver
Picture a plant that's at the bed of a river
Swaying to the flow but dying under a stigma
That it has to be a certain way
People plugging at its petals cause it's tucked away
I'm just pressing on the gas, running back until I crash
Inside the tunnel I molded for men to pass

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