Oh, I wish our winning were a bit more certain!
Better call my friends at Halliburton!
We will pay!
So we stay!
Rule the Day!
Dc Land!
I'm sensitive, I cannot lie!
I love to hug and kiss this guy!
Are they gay?
We won't say!
On our way!
Dc land!
It's good to be in dc...
Hooray! Hooray!
With oil funds,
Cute buns...
That's how we got to dc!
You twit!
Eat shit!
That's how we talk in dc!
Take note!
Go vote!
Or we'll choose who goes to dc!
I'm Dan Rather and I approved this message. Kinda. Sorta. Not really.
It's good to be in dc...
I'm gay? I'm gay!
We tossed our medals, burned our bras...
We even did mé nage a trois... What'd I do?
Most Guys...
Take Sides...
I go both ways in dc!
Take note!
Go vote...
That you want me... In dc!