Turn the page, another day gone by
As you close the door
It's all the rage - take what you can find
Walk across the floor
It's 10pm, do you know where you are?
Turn on the light
Another tv dinner, dining alone, no end in sight
And you tell me true friends are hard to find
And you tell me I'm just wasting my time...
Won't you let me in, see where I have been
I know what you're going through
Why don't you come out, see what I'm all about
It's the least that you could do
Turn down the bed, the only comforter you find
Lying in the dark
Try to fall asleep, you pray your soul to keep
But you don't know what for
Turning the pages in time only to find empty space
When will you realize there's still time
To write in it's place
Waking up from another lonely night, coffee for one
And you look in the mirror think maybe it's time
Step out in the sun
And still you see true friends are hard to find
But now you see that I'm not wasting my time