Her's - Carry The Doubt lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Carry The Doubt Lyrics

Her's – Carry The Doubt Lyrics

Change out you're sure
Know what you were
You have a whole new world
Open their eyes
You're their surprise
Can't take it one more night
He's seen it all
You make the call
Of what it was inside
Enough is enough
He talks too much
For to be holding back

Don't be sad when they're tying you down
Don't plan it on working it out
And if you forget what the fuss was about
Promise me you won't carry the doubt

The night's too absurd
Take their dessert
Has always been your right
Run off the moon
As I made it through
We'll take a mid-life strike

As I watch you smile once in a while
I know you'll be alright
Life's a vaccine
Take what you need
I'll be there all your life

Don't be sad when they're tying you down
Don't plan it on working it out
And you'll forget what the fuss was about
Promise me you won't carry the doubt

He just wants you to be young again
It's true

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Songwriters: Audun Laading, Stephen Fitzpatrick
Carry The Doubt lyrics © Sentric Music

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