Falling In Reverse - God, If You Are Above... lyrics | LyricsFreak
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God, If You Are Above... Lyrics

Falling In Reverse – God, If You Are Above... Lyrics

from album: Just Like You (2015)
God cannot save my soul
It's straight to hell for me I know
And when I get there
At least I found a place to call my home

They say the truth will set you free
Then why am I still here
I've got no truth left Don't you see?
Am I making myself clear?

Resolution no solution

God if you are above I fear
That one day the whole world will disappear
And if it does will I have lived my life
The way that I should

My spirits stuck between to roads
And waiting there on me
The first path is the way to go
The life I want to lead
The 2nd roads my crazy past
The darkest parts I try to mask
The drugs the guns the lies the love
The dreams I had of waking up.

Don't tell me I'm not good enough and
All these prayers have gone in answered where were you
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