Eric Sardinas - My Baby's Got Something lyrics | LyricsFreak
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My Baby's Got Something Lyrics

Eric Sardinas – My Baby's Got Something Lyrics

Well I love my baby
Yes I do
Love my baby
Through and through

'Cause my baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
Man, that I sure do love

My baby, she long
Baby, she tall
When she get my lovin'
She gives it all

My baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
Man, that I sure do love

My baby, she long
Baby, she lean
Man, but my baby
Can sure be mean

But my baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
Man, that I sure do love

My baby got somethin'
Round like a apple
Shaped like a pear
And sure enough

My baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
My baby got somethin'
Man, that I sure do love
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