Dum Dum Girls - Always Looking lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Always Looking Lyrics

Dum Dum Girls – Always Looking Lyrics

Before I met you, I had a few who hung around and made me blue
But I was always looking, I was always looking
Weeks and months turned to years, hiding underneath my fears
But I was always looking, I was always looking;
I was always looking for you

Oh I never felt a beat in my heart 'til you made it start
I never felt a beat in my heart 'til you made it start

And I know it's nothing new, to want a love that stays true
But I was always looking, I was always looking
It's been written in the stars
The reason of the hearts like ours
Yea I was always looking, I was always looking;
I was always looking for you

Oh I never felt a beat in my heart 'til you made it start
I never felt a beat in my heart 'til you made it start

No one else can understand you
They don't know you like I know you
No one else will ever do
They don't love you like I love you

Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
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Songwriters: Kristin Gundred
Always Looking lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

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