The Dillinger Escape Plan - Low Feels Blvd lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Low Feels Blvd Lyrics

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Low Feels Blvd Lyrics

from album: Dissociation (2016)
Lonely in a room of memories
From another life
Waiting and chasing
Moments that elude

Why can't I escape

Waiting and chasing
Memories of moments that are gone
When first she looked at me
And sipped her drink across from me

Newborn hell was it all along
Right there with me, inside
Reflecting on the outside
If it won't die can I

Some days I look at things
As if they never existed
And others it's all right here
I've been thinking aloud
About the way it went
I guess we're having a moment right now
I need a moment right now
I guess we're having a moment right now
I need a moment right...

Best of them all
Best of them all
Best of them all
Best of them all
Waiting and chasing
Memories long gone
Best of them all
Lately I'm thinking
Were they all along
Best of them all

What then
Becomes of
Letters never sent
In stillness you can hear us
Never far away
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Songwriters: Benjamin Weinman, Gregory Puciato
Low Feels Blvd lyrics © Royalty Network, SENTRIC MUSIC

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