Your eyes are the constant that draw me in
Your sparkle lashes me to milk
When your beauty turns to fear
Rest, then it will eventually clear...
Отталкиваясь от земли ногами
Целясь в пушистое брюхо неба
Взращивая пустоту между нами
Таю последним теплом лета
Не держи меня Солнца пальцами
Отпусти за усталыми птицами
Станут наши сердца скитальцами
На подошвах песка крупицами
It's hard to hold
Pebbles in our hands
We can't find (find, find)
Who became the wind
We cannot (not, not)
Apologize to them
We've got no time (time, time)
To save him (him, him)...
Пил тебя. Молоко нежности
Сворачивалось на углях желания
Выкипало пеною безмятежности
Потеряв белизны сияние
Ждал тебя. Слушал шорохи
Капли падали, роняя вес разный
Растекались закатным всполохом
Перепачкался весь красным
Eventually clear...
Eventually clear...
It's hard to hold
Pebbles in our hands
We can't find (find, find)
Who became the wind
We cannot (not, not)
Apologize to them
We've got no time (time, time)
To save him (him, him)...
It's hard to hold
Pebbles in our hands
We can't find
Who became the wind
We cannot
Apologize to them
We've got no time
To save him
(Save him, save, save, to sa... to s...)