Sometimes when I'm weary
All I have for strength is you
And sometimes when I am cold
All I have to keep me warm is you
So I close my eyes
And fold my hand
And you're right there
To be my friend
Your love
Is just a prayer away
And your love is all I need
To face another day
Sometimes when I'm lonely
All I have for company is you
And sometimes when I cry
All I have to comfort me is you
So I close my eyes
And bend my knees
And call on you
To rescue me
Your love
Is just a prayer away
And your love is all I need
To face another day
And when someone takes a moment
Just to show they care
All I know you you're reaching out
To help me from...
Your love
Is just a prayer away
And your love is all I need
To face another day
All I need... To face another day