Girls, girls
Girls, girls, girls
Sitting on the buses (girls)
Getting outta taxis (girls)
Walking and wiggling by
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, girls)
In tight sweaters (girls)
In short dresses (girls)
So pretty, Lord, I could cry
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm just a red blooded boy
And I can't stop
Thinking about girls
Going swimming (girls)
Playing tennis (girls)
Skipping around in the park
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, girls)
Riding horses (girls)
And roller skating (girls)
La da da in the dark
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm just a red-blooded boy
And I can't stop thinking about
Girls, girls, girls, girls
And when I pick up a sandwich to munch
A crunchy crunchety crunchety crunch
I never ever get to finish my lunch
Because there's always bound
To be a bunch of girls
Getting on the buses (girls)
Getting outta taxis (girls)
Walking and wiggling by
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, girls)
In tight sweaters (girls)
In short dresses (girls)
So pretty, Lord, I could cry
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm just a red blooded boy
And I can't stop thinking about
Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls
Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls
Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls
I'm just a red blooded boy
And I can't stop thinking about
Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls
Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls...