You say I get around but
I№m gonna hit the ground
I don№t hear a word you№re sayin
Going out of my head and
The world№s turnin red
Don№t think I№ll be stayin
You got your fancy pants now
Wear em to the dance
All I got is what I№m playin
But the trouble with you is there ain№t just a few
Don№t take the ride unless you№re payin
Like a hot burnin fire
Blazin out of control
I couldn№t get much higher I№m
Nothing gets in my way
When I№m freewheelin
I№m free yea
Take a look around cause it№s all fallin down
Fallin from the dream that we created
I№m lookin up at the sky and I№m wondering why
Why it№s all deflated
You got a million and one ways to have fun
Everything I№ve done is over-rated
So take a step back cause I don№t need the flack
I can see your promises a fadin
Like a hot burnin fire
Blazin out of control
I couldn№t get much higher I№m
Nothing gets in my way
When I№m freewheelin
I№m free yea
Like a hot burnin fire
Blazin out of control
I couldn№t get much higher I№m
Nothin gets in my way
When I№m freewheelin
I№m free yea
Nothing gets in my way
When I№m freewheelin
I№m free yea
When I№m freewheelin
I№m free yea