Cheatahs - Hey, Sen lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Hey, Sen Lyrics

Cheatahs – Hey, Sen Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Let Us Compare Mythologies
Was on your nightstand with an effigy
Lipstick-touched reminders and All That Fall;
From distance I kind of knew that you were gone

Are you the only girl to wear creepers as a test?
I know my shoes have also been appraised

[Verse 2]
You were on the Ameche so I studied your room;
On the shelf next to your Blues and Haikus

Were your 45s that had no sleeves
And a signed picture that Prousted me back to

Hey, Sen, be my friend

[Verse 3]
The first time I truly knew lust
A conflation of memories; the good ones are

As Calloway played low I could pick out untethered words
And a signed picture prousted me back to

Hey, Sen, be my friend

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