With my heart right in my hand. Such A hedonistic circumstance. - we, the young - that one night that is left to live. All those things left now to say. To unleash their colours. I've never dared to ask. I love the way she smiles. I’Ve never asked to dance. And so did I. I offered everything. I love the way she smells. I'm crawling on my knees. And whisper: my mistress - I'd like to make A move. This is our time. This is our last night
We are reaching for the stars. Live the moment. Spread your hearts. Feel the spirit deep inside. Feel the beat being alive. Don’T waste it away. We are certain: here to stay. We are here to stay
And we'll party and party and party and party and pump this shit up to the max! Just calm down for A sec and comprehend yourself. This one is lovable and something bigger than us. This is our fate and I participate. Just take my hand. We're in this together. Bounce like this. Grab A girl. French kiss. Worthwhile. Oh I am pleased to make you happy. Oh my dear. But I apologise for that. I didn't want you to be harmed. I've never had another dream. This is the life I love to lead