Breathe Atlantis - Apprecihate lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Apprecihate Lyrics

Breathe Atlantis – Apprecihate Lyrics

Before your tongue could speak those words of treason I'd rip it out and slap your face. Fuck your guts. You call it life I call it waste of spunk. You came to life -- life turns to shit. Rot in hell. This feels so good and this is so true. The goat itself apprecihates you being awful ’Cause you still suck
Am I beloved or being attacked? Have I been embraced or stabbed in the back? You were beloved so dude what the fuck. What the fuck man. What the fuck have you done? You better watch your back

For all those victims you stitched up with lies. The patent truth shall be sewn in your eyes. For all those tears that were shed they shall rise. To an ocean. To waves. To demise. Renegade. I saw you dropped your anchor every bay you've crossed. But there's no land to enter. Betraying those that had no land to enter. Hope. Can’T you remember that they used to trust in you? This architecture turns to dust. Would you try to rebuild and reinstate? A plant. A home. Or die alone. You will die alone. A plant. A home. A friend. A throne. A heart of gold. To recover their wasted lives. What you forget -- their eyes can see. What you forget - their hands can feel. What you forget - the blood they bleed -- the blood to bleed. Those eyes that would glow in the dark. Awaiting dawn for the thousandth fucking time. They could finally be the light

Where's your home? Stand tall but we won't wait forever. This one decision's left to make: where's your home bitch? Set your shit straight or lose your shit face. Where's your home?
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