Black Dub - Surely lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Surely Lyrics

Black Dub – Surely Lyrics

If he refuses I still go on
Till the heaven and earth are gone
Time may rage but rage in vain
My designs unchanged remain

Night is my shepherd, moonlight is my guide
You were close by, now the distance is so wide
You found me blind, you taught me how to see
Now it's so hard to have you away from me

Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine

You command my hand to write
In the dark hours of deep midnight
Your love is a love, a love like no other
Wings of joy forever flutter

Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine

Fortune favors the brave they say
My bravery could not convince me to stay

If he refuses I still go on
Till the heaven and earth are gone

Fortune favors the brave they say
My bravery could not convince me to stay

Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely you were meant to be mine
Surely, surely, surely
Surely you were meant to be mine
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