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This One's For You Lyrics

Barry Manilow – This One's For You Lyrics

from album: This One's For You (1976)
This one will never sell,
They'll never understand,
I don't even sing it well,
I try, but I just can't.
But I sing it every night,
And I fight to keep it in,
Cause this one's for you,
This one's for you.

I've done a hundred songs,
From fantasies to lies,
But this one's so real for me
That I'm the one who cries.
But I sing it every night,
And I fight to hide the tears,
Cause this one's for you,
This one's for you.

This one's for you wherever you are,
To say that nothing's been the same
Since we've been apart.
This one's for all the love we once knew
Like everything else I have,
This one's for you
Oh - Oh -

I've got it all, it seems,
For all it means to me.
But I sing of things I miss,
And things that used to be.
And I wonder every night,
If you might just miss me, too.
And I sing for you. I sing for you.

This one's for you wherever I go,
To say the things I should have said -
Things that you should know.
This one's to say that all I can do
Is hope that you will hear me sing 'cause
This one's for you - Oh -
This one's for you wherever you are
To say that nothing's been the same
Since we've been apart
This one's for all the love we once knew (fade out)
Like everything else I sing (fade out)
This one's for you... Oh... (fade out)
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This One's For You lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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