Auteurs - Light Aircraft On Fire lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Light Aircraft On Fire Lyrics

Auteurs – Light Aircraft On Fire Lyrics

When you cut your lover's slack
You'll get a fucking monster back
Information indiscreet-
It's just an acrobatic trick
Disintergrates at 2000 feet
Vanishes into mercury
Light aircraft on fire

Tombestone queen victoria
Was an ex wing-walker
Everybody ignored her
Everybody implored her to-
Vainsh in to the radio
Disappear in the waveband slow
Light aircraft on fire

Disintergrate at 2000 feet
Disappear into mercury
There's a dark premonition an accident will happen
There's a pre-science preacher in the cabin
Everybody eat your dust
Everybody love your dust
Lifgt aircraft on fire
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