Artificial Language - These Aren't Mirages lyrics | LyricsFreak
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These Aren't Mirages Lyrics

Artificial Language – These Aren't Mirages Lyrics

Lanterns will glow all night because of the pending reality
He’s made a serious mistake
Mistaken a young one; feasting on her nature
There’s an end to these means
Forecasts have foretold clouds, sleet and rain

Stars cross and implode
Car crashing into marrow
His stomach’s weak from dereliction

Careless decisions…
Endless predictions…
Now she’s an empty shell

You have been the cause of disaster
Her good will has left you to shatter

Lanterns will glow all night because of the pending reality
Lanterns will show our sights lost track of the pending reality
Now, there’s an end to these means
Forecasts foretold an oak’s masquerade

Stars cross and implode
Car crashing into marrow
His stomach’s weak from dereliction

You have been the cause of disaster
Her good will has left you to shatter
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