I'm a soldier
I haven't slept in five years
And I have dark circles under my eyes
Haven't seen them myself
But so I've been told
I'm a soldier
And I have no head (*)
They have beated it off with their boots
Yo-o-o, commander shouts
Commander's mouth is teared open
Because a grenade...
White cotton wool
Red cotton won't heal a soldier
I'm a soldier
Unborn child of war
I'm a soldier
Mom, take care of my wounds
I'm a soldier
Soldier of a country forgotten by God
I'm a hero
Tell me of which novel
Oh.. Oooh..
I'm a soldier
It vexes me when I have only one bullet left
It's either me or him
The last wagon
There are millions of us
In the un
I'm a soldier
And I know my job
My job is to shoot
So that the bullet doesn't miss
The ennemy's body
This reggae is for you Mother-War
Are you happy now?
I'm a soldier
I'm a soldier
Unborn child of war
I'm a soldier
Mom, take care of my wounds
I'm a soldier
Soldier of a country forgotten by God
I'm a hero
Tell me of which novel
(in English)
I'm a sol-dier I'm a sol-dier
I'm a sol-dier I'm a sol-dier
I'm a sol-dier sol-dier
I'm a soldier
Unborn child of war
I'm a soldier
Mom, take care of my wounds
I'm a soldier
Soldier of a country forgotten by God
I'm a hero
Tell me of which novel